Enabling KaseyaOne Unified Login for your BullPhish ID Organization


  • To Enable KaseyaOne unified single sign-on, also known as unified login, you must be an administrator for both BullPhish ID and KaseyaOne.
  • You must have login credentials for BullPhish ID and KaseyaOne. If you do  
    not have them, contact your administrator.
  • You should have added 2FA to both BullPhish ID and KaseyaOne.
  • You must have the same email address for BullPhish ID and KaseyaOne accounts.

KaseyaOne Unified Login

KaseyaOne is the customer portal and central hub for all products that belong to the Kaseya IT Complete portfolio. This platform allows end users to securely authenticate with multiple modules by using just one set of credentials. Enabling KaseyaOne Unified Login in BullPhish ID provides the following benefits to your organization:

  • Users can log into BullPhish ID via the Log In with KaseyaOne link and enter their KaseyaOne credentials. Users will still have the ability to login with their BullPhish ID account credentials.
  • Users logged into the KayeyaOne site can access BullPhish ID by clicking its icon.

IMPORTANT  Only one partner organization can be linked to a KaseyaOne account.

How to...

Revision Date posted
Updated steps 3,4,6,7,8 8/2/23
Original content reformatted. 8/28/23